Recent studies have revealed that an estimated 10 million people a year fall victim to identity theft in the United States alone. This number is staggering. Nearly 70% of victims of identity theft face difficulties with their credit reports as a result of the crime against them and have trouble re-establishing credit after years of hard work. The results of identity theft can linger on for quite some time, causing financial and emotional frustrations.
By taking informed steps towards protecting yourself from identity theft, you can be assured your sensitive information doesn’t fall into the hands of someone with malicious intentions. However, it’s an unfortunate fact that nearly 45% of victims knew the perpetrators. You can never be too sure where someone seeking to benefit at your cost might come from, that’s why it’s crucial that you are protected.
Private browsing has become a major topic over recent months. With some of the government’s major departments being hacked, it’s alarming to what lengths some individuals are willing to go for information. The same can be said for online hackers who seek to obtain private information from Wi-Fi users. If you are shopping or paying bills online, your private information can be accessed if you’re not browsing in private.
Keep your documents, such as passports and social security cards locked in a safe at home. Shred bills and other paper documents that might contain sensitive information before throwing it out. You never know who may be searching through your trash.
Don’t get hooked through phishing – Certain hacking organizations generate emails to look as if they’re from your bank or cell phone company. They ask for your social security number and other sensitive information, with which they can cause extensive damage with.
Identity theft can come from a number of angles, make sure that you are prepared to face an attack. Use a VPN service when using the Internet. Keep track of your personal documents. Keep watch over your identity.